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Improving Customer Awareness Prevents Fraud

ATM attacks a vast reaching form of fraud affecting debit and credit card holders. ATM owner compliancy is vital, however another important piece to this safety puzzle is educating your customers.

The best defense to fraudulent activity is customer education. Card skimming is very common and can be lessened when cardholders are informed of the threat. Skimming devices are often times difficult to detect. They are typically placed on or near the ATM’s card reader.

Placing signage or programming in your welcome message to report any suspicious devices on the machine. If anything about the actual card reader or the PIN pad is loose to the touch or unusual looking it should be reported. Leave information on the message about where to report suspected fraudulent activity.

You should also instruct them to shield the PIN pad as they enter their PIN. This will prevent someone nearby or remotely viewing.

Tips to Share with Cardholders

Tips to share with your cardholder within your screen messaging, signage on your machines, or with flyers available at your ATM location:

  1. Always check for anything out of the ordinary, such as strange looking equipment or wires attached to the device
  2. If there are any “no tampering” signs on a piece of the machine may indicate that there is a criminal device present and they want you to divert your attention from being piqued.
  3. A jammed ATM may mean the criminal is trying to divert you to a nearby ATM that has a skimming device attached.
  4. Cardholders should check their accounts regularly for unauthorized transactions.
  5. If anything suspicious is noticed they should immediately notify law enforcement, their financial institution and the owner of the location site of the ATM.
  6. Always protect PIN information, both by shielding it when entering and by not sharing with anyone.

When everyone remains vigilant we can fight back against criminal activity and prevent continued fraudulent activity in its tracks.