Do we set up the ATM with a bank?
No, you select a processing company like us to process your transactions. We process for free with no hidden costs or additional fees.
No, you select a processing company like us to process your transactions. We process for free with no hidden costs or additional fees.
You set the surcharge amount, anything from zero and up. When you process transactions with us you keep 100% of the surcharge! We do not charge any additional or hidden…
Standard Processing Includes: Terminal ID, web tools access so you can monitor your ATM, settlement set up,phone support, remote monitoring by us. We can do remote reboots and push software updates…
We have an excellent processing program available. Please call for information 504-383-9756.
Our Networks consist of Cirrus, NYCE, Plus, Pulse, Star, Exchange, AFFN, CU24, EBT and many others.